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Thursday, 4 June 2015

Realistic cross country setups

Hi! I've decided to be a more active blogger now as I've come out of my model horse hobby slump thanks to my friend who makes the most gorgeous tack and paints beautiful customs (see my last post!)

While with my friend recently, we dug a hole in her garden (much to her gardener's disgust!) and built a setup and took some photos. I have a pretty awful phone so the quality isn't great, but I hope you'll be able to use this and maybe make a setup yourself! Keep an eye on my blog as I am about to start making a saddle for my gorgeous custom!

Include different angles and funny positions!

I love this angle as it gives you an idea of the scene!
This angle is nice too just removing the hosepipe would be great!
Create different kinds of jumps for more variety!

Include jumps in and out of the water and through ditches!

I think this is my favourite picture and angle, it looks realistic.

This gives you an idea of what the rider sees and the hoofprints add realism too!
The water looks great here!

This is pretty much the stuff you need to build a good XC setup!

Use different decorations for your fences!

I hope this tutorial has helped you create a successful XC setup! Email pictures of your setups to for them to be posted on this blog! See you soon :)


Wednesday, 3 June 2015


Hi! Sorry I've been inactive, I've been so busy recently I have sort of neglected this blog. Anyway, my friend did a lovely custom for me of the Cleveland Bay mould. He is absolutely gorgeous and I adore him! I think I'm a little too obsessed with him.... Here are some pics! I'm posting a setup tutorial soon so prepare...

She used an airbrush to customise his coat and a paintbrush for his markings. He is so gorgeous I love him so much!

What he looked like originally after she airbrushed him white first.

His adorable face and beautiful shading!

She darkened his tail, legs, shoulders and face.

I love his star and little pink snip! The detailing on his eyes is perfect too!

His gorgeous snip close up.

His cute little markings! A coronet band on his near left, and two socks on his hind legs!

I love the shading on his neck!

He has hoof striping and a lovely dark tail.

He has little ermine spots and lovely shading on his hooves (the sock was done over after the picture was taken)

I think he's beautiful! She's doing it for free as well which is so kind! Take a look at her blog
Comment suggestions for posts -  what do you want to see from my blog? Bye!