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Saturday 2 August 2014

Breastgirth tutorial

Hi! I decided that making a breastgirth would be quite cool. They aren't difficult at all, and are very hard wearing. You could adapt this tutorial for a harness and other things like that. Anyway...

You will need:
Sticky backed felt or normal felt (white looks best)
A model horse of any scale
A glue gun or some reliable glue

Let's get started!

1. Measure across your model horse's chest, from around where the saddle sits to the other side of the horse. Make sure they are even, and cut a thick leather strip of that length.

2. Leave off a little bit of leather space of both sides at the ends, and wrap your felt around so the leather is completely covered apart from where you left the space at the ends. 
3. Flip your breastgirth over and glue a length of elastic which will be the neck strap. It should fit over the neck like this:

4. Glue a loop of elastic at the end of the strap (see pic below) length depending on your model's scale, which will slot around the girth. Repeat on the other side. 
5. And you are done! Put a saddle on (I will eventually do a tutorial!) put the elastic loops round the girth straps and your model horse's saddle won't slip back any more! They also look very smart.
Thank you for looking at my blog and this tutorial. Have a lookout at tomorrow's blog for more tutorials! 

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